Distance Learning

Engaging Ethnic Media

Facts, Tips and Tools

A Snapshot of General Media Outlets in America

The digital information revolution has introduced countless new ways to engage with audiences who need to better understand safe sleep promotion. The majority of adults living in the U.S. use at least three different types of media every week to get news and information about their community, which means that, while ethnic media is critically important to educating the community about safe sleep promotion, it’s also important to include media outlets that reach a wide number of people.

The following types of media reach such a broad audience, they are hard to ignore:

  • Online: Seventy-eight percent of American adults use the Internet and 62 percent of Americans go online daily. The most active group of Internet users is the 18- to 29-year-old segment — 93 percent use the Internet.4

  • Television: Americans spend approximately 30 percent of the day (8 hours and 21 minutes) watching television. Nearly three-fourths of adults go to local TV news for information, topping local newspaper and radio station sites, as well as other local sites.5

  • Radio: Two out of three Americans listen to the radio during prime time (or “drive time”); radio is their first source of news in the day. The Radio Advertising Bureau estimates that 53 percent of the workforce listens to the radio at work, and 84 percent of adults tune in while driving.6

  • Newspapers: Older Americans are most likely to read the newspaper, with 59 percent of adults over the age of 65 reading a daily newspaper, followed by 49 percent of adults ages 55 to 64, 41 percent of adults ages 45 to 54, 31 percent of adults ages 35 to 44, 24 percent of adults ages 25 to 34, and 23 percent of adults ages 18 to 24.7