Diversity and Inclusion Program Specialist
Language Access Coordinator
New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
I owe a debt of gratitude to the mentors who have provided both personal and professional support throughout my career. As someone who has benefited greatly from mentorship, I am honored to have the opportunity to provide support to other professionals who are working to advance cultural and linguistic competence in the field. I believe that cultivating cultural and linguistic competence is one of the most pressing issues of our time and that the way we approach this work will have a lasting impact on the health care field.
Influencing change within a workplace and beyond is challenging, mentoring is one valuable tool to provide ongoing support and to sustain this work over time. I approach mentoring as an opportunity to form a meaningful relationship with another colleague who shares the value of advancing cultural and linguistic competence. I believe that mentoring is a creative and collaborative endeavor that requires both structure and flexibility. It is important to have clear goals, as well as room for open conversation, so that innovative solutions can emerge.