
Life Course Perspective

Reyhan Reid

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Reyhan Reid

Now meet Reyhan and learn more about the life course of his family.

Please click on the arrows below to hear audio of each story.

Introduction Introduction
Become Dad Reyhan was excited and anticipating becoming a father.  His own childhood experiences and life course had an impact on how he awaited the birth of his son.
Expectations Reyhan had joyous expectations awaiting his son’s birth.
Diagnosis Shortly after his son’s birth, however, Reyhan’s life and expectations of fatherhood changed as his story intersected with his son’s diagnosis with special health care needs.
Freak Out Reyhan experienced a whole range of emotions, but due to his beliefs and expectations about how he should act, he tried to keep those feelings to himself.
Surgery Update Reyhan’s son’s surgery thrust him into a whole array of experiences he had not anticipated.  His picture of his hopes for his son was altered by that experience.
Part of the new life course Reyhan had to chart related to reaching out and getting emotional support in the face of the tremendous stress of having a very sick newborn son. His own upbringing, cultural values and life course to that point colored his initial thoughts about letting others provide him with help and support.
Support Reyhan and his wife realized that having a child with special health care needs might change how others –friends and family—might perceive them.  These concerns initially limited the support they sought and got.
Handle Work His son’s birth and his diagnosis with special health care needs also changed Reyhan’s perspectives about work and his life priorities.
Providers Reyhan’s encounters with health care providers as a father were frustrating for him, given his perceptions of the role of a father in a child’s life.  Cultural competence in healthcare includes creating services that meet the needs of all members of the family.
Next Phase Reyhan’s life course has been changed by having a son with special health care needs.  He reflects on that impact and what is coming next for their family.